Air Cart

Präzisions-Sämaschinen von VERSATILE. Made in Canada

BUHLER Versatile Precision Seeding

Air Cart

Versatile AC Series Air Carts are available in both tow-between and tow-behind models. Air carts range in size from 315 bu to 390 bu. No matter what type of seed is used, accurate seeding results are always achieved.

BUHLER Versatile Sähmaschinen
Sähmaschinen von Buhler Versatile aus Kanada.
BUHLER Versatile Sähmaschinen. Qualität aus Kanada
Die BUHLER Versatile Sähmaschinen arbeiten sehr exakt, wie unabhängige Test bewiesen haben.

Versatile Air Cart – Product features

Independently Proven Accuracy
Versatile Air Carts have the most accurate metering system in the industry as independent test have shown. Published results prove that Versatile consistently out-performs the competition by achieving more accurate target application rates, regardless of the product.

No Roller Changes
With a Versatile Air Cart switching products, even canola to peas, requires no metering roller changes.

Unique "Monitor Down" feature

Versatile Air Carts feature a fully mechanical metering drive system that allows the operator to continue seeding even if a complete monitor system failure has occurred.

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