4WD Delta Track 450-550 HP

Made to meet the extremest challenges

BUHLER Versatile Tractors

4WD DeltaTrack

The 4WD DeltaTrack is a brand-new product of Versatile. In partnership with industry-leading suppliers, Versatile has developed a new class leader in the agricultural market. With their extensive legacy of production of articulated four-wheel drive tractors Versatile had no doubt that a four-track system was the best solution for Versatile and for the dealers and customers The new 4WD DeltaTrack is made to meet even the extremest challenges.

This series is available in 450, 500 an 550 hp in fall 2013.

Versatile-4WD-DT Delta Truck
VERSATILE Delta Truck the powerful alternativ.
Buhler VERSATILE Delta Truck
Buhler Versatile Delta Truck 4WD. Versatile has developed an useful tractor.

Additional options are available to customize the tractor for your requirements. If you like more information about this product please download the PDF-files below:

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Some names of actual companies and products, mentioned herein may be trademarks. They are used for reference purpose only and are property of the respective owners.

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Some names of actual companies and products, mentioned herein may be trademarks. They are used for reference purpose only and are property of the respective owners.

Technical specifications subject to change without notice.