CNH Case sugar cane harvester

Wrong engine configurqtion delivered . . . we do modify the engine on site

Brand new Iveco Cursor 10.3 engine for CNH Case sugar cane harvester was delivered with the wrong engine configuration. Our engineer went to site and together with the engineers of the end-user they found the solution to modify the engine direct at site and they made the harvester running. As this incidence has been during the crop every day was counting.

We are repairing a CNH A7000 (Austoft) sugar cane harvester
CNH Austoft harvester for sugar cane
CNH Austoft harvester for sugar cane runs with Iveco diesel engine Cursor 10.3
Technicians repair the broken component
Technicians repair the broken component on site
We are cooperating with your engineers
We are flexible and cooperating with your engineers
Manual dexterity and technical expertise are required for our job
Manual dexterity and technical expertise are required for our job with the high-quality machine
Just call us and we will come to your site and find solutions
Just call us and we will come to your site and find solutions for any problems
Sugar cane harvester in the field
Sugar cane harvester in the field with technican
Only teamwork brings the desired results
We repair the machine in teamwork

More questions? Please just send us your inquiry or fill out our e-mail form.

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Technical specifications subject to change without notice.